Event: Newsletter 20th September 2014

Lake Learmonth – 13th September 2014

Our yearly visit to the Eureka Cycling Club was a very enjoyable jaunt in the beautiful county-side around Lake Learmonth. The usual wind that powers those familiar wind turbines on the skyline was absent and the sun was shining on the toiling backs of some 70 riders from both clubs. The much smaller Eureka Club achieved 3 places in 4 contested grades. This shows their strength and local knowledge when faced with the ‘team’ tactics of the Eastern riders.

The after race refreshments were provided by the Eureka club and a great country BBQ along with home-made cakes that the ladies prepared were enjoyed by all. With the long distances to EVCC race venues now the norm, one wonders why we don’t go to Learmonth more often.


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